The Seagull, Satirikon Theatre

September 23, 2019April 27, 2020

Season Package

Stage Russia Season Packages is also available for:

  • Four (4) events
  • Eight (8) events
3 hours
20 min

Stage Russia screening series
Co-presentation with Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts


Written by Anton Chekhov​
Satirikon Arkady Raikin Russian State Theatre
Director Yury Butusov

A Golden Mask Award-winning production – Best Director.

​Anton Chekhov’s first of four major plays dramatizes the romantic and artistic conflicts between its four main characters: Boris Trigorin, a well-known writer, the ingenue Nina, the fading actress Irina Arkadina, and her son the would-be playwright Konstantin Tréplev. Yury Butusov’s frenetic production abounds in an incredible freedom and openness, delving deep into the throes of artistic creation and the anguish of the artist who struggles to find a language of his own. This is not only a performance about the theatre, it is an anthology of the theatre that devours its children like monsters. With the shuffling of actors’ roles, you begin to sense something of a quadraphonic portrait of the creative personality, which demonstrates that greatness is precariously close to mediocrity while suggesting that the opposite is also true. Chekhov’s characters are in the process of creating their lives or watching them fall apart, which, according to Butusov, may be a closely related activity.

Language: Russian
Translation: English subtitles
Running time: 230 min with one intermission


  • Irina Nikolaevna Arkadina: Polina Raykina
  • Konstantin Gavrilovich Treplev: Timofey Tribuntcev
  • Petr Nikolaevich Sorin: Vladimir Bolshov
  • Nina Zarechnaya: Agrippina Steklova
  • Ilya Afanasyevich Shamraev: Anton Kuznetcov
  • Polina Andreevna: Lika Nifontova
  • Masha: Mariana Spivak
  • Boris Alekseevich Trigorin: Denis Sukhanov
  • Evgeniy Sergeevich Dorn: Artem Osipov
  • Semen Semenovich Medvedenko: Anton Kuznecov
  • Dancing girl: Marina Drovosekova
  • Yakov: Sergey Bubnov
  • Treplev’s monologue in Act 4: Yury Butusov

Creative Team

  • Director: Yury Butusov
  • Set design: Alexander Shishkin
  • Music: Faustas Latenas
  • Lighting Designer: Anatoly Kuznecov
  • Sound: Ekaterina Pavlova, Dariya Kascheeva
  • Stage manager: Angelika Ramazanova